- Roses
- Bouquets
- Carnations
- Chrysanthemums
- Fillers
- Foliage & greens
- Lilies
Other flowers
- Amaranthus
- Anemone
- Astrantia
- Bells of ireland
- Birds of paradise
- Blue thistle -eryngium
- Calla lily
- Craspedia globosa
- Delphinium
- Dianthus
- Hydrangea
- Hypericum
- Kale
- Larkspur
- Liatris
- Lisianthus
- Pampas grass
- Peony
- Pussy willow
- Ranunculus
- Safflower (carthamus)
- Snapdragon
- Star of bethlehem
- Stock
- Sunflower
- Veronica
Amaranthus Upright Red
Amaranthus are unique flowers that feature bright colored tassels in green, burgundy, red, bronze and coral and bicolor hues. The tassels can be long and hanging or short and upright. Hanging Amaranthus has very long and thick tassels that flow down gorgeously. "Cascade Amaranthus" is a different type of Hanging Amaranthus with long cascading tassels that are slightly thinner and more abundant than the traditional Hanging Amaranthus. Upright Amaranthus has sturdy upright spikes with threads that slightly bend down naturally. Amaranthus adds great texture and can be used on its own or combined with other flowers to create amazing, exuberant arrangements. It is a trendy flower for weddings and elegant arrangements.
Color: Burgundy
Scent: Faint
Stem: 70cm to 80cm
Season: Year Round